Klaviyo Destination

Destination Info
Connection Modes
Device-mode Cloud-mode
Web Web
Mobile Mobile
Server Server

Segment will deprecate the Klaviyo Classic destination on June 30th, 2024

Klaviyo will deprecate the endpoints used by this destination on June 2024. Segment will not update this destination with the new endpoint, but will deprecate the destination. Users who want to send data to Klaviyo should migrate to the Klaviyo (Actions) destination.

Starting on June 7, 2024, Segment will migrate all Klaviyo classic destinations to the new Klaviyo (Actions) destination. If you don’t have an API key in the destination settings for your classic Klaviyo destination, you will need to take action.

For more information about this migration, see the Migrate to the Klaviyo (Actions) destination documentation.

Klaviyo is a powerful email platform focused on ecommerce that helps companies make more money. It supports segmentation based on category and event triggers like product bought, page viewed, email engagement, or amount spent.

It measures opens, clicks, revenue generated, breakdown of generated revenue based on custom attributes (like campaign type or amount gained per recipient), and provides trend reports, cohort analysis, and subscriber growth

Klaviyo lets you send personalized newsletters, automates triggered emails, product recommendations, welcome campaigns, order announcements, push notifications and sync your data to Facebook custom audiences.

To configure Klaviyo as an Event Source to get data into your warehouse or other downstream tools, see the Klaviyo Source documentation.

Klaviyo deprecating v1/v2 APIs

Klaviyo will deprecate the endpoints used by this destination on June 30, 2024. Segment will not update this destination with the new endpoint. Instead, Segment recommends customers switch to the new Klaviyo Actions destination, which already uses the new endpoints. For more information about the migration process, see the Migrate to the Klaviyo (Actions) destination documentation.

Migrate to the Klaviyo (Actions) destination

Starting on June 7th, 2024, Segment will automatically migrate all classic Klaviyo destinations to the new Klaviyo (Actions) destination. Migrated Klaviyo (Actions) destinations will have the same name as your classic destination, with “Migrated” appended.

For example, if you named your classic destination “Email Marketing Campaigns”, Segment would name your migrated destination “Email Marketing Campaigns Migrated”.

A screenshot showing a classic and a migrated destination, with a green box around the migrated instance.

If you have an API key in your classic destination’s Private Key setting and your destination is not connected to a Journey, you do not need to take any action.

If you do not have a Private Key in your destination’s settings, Segment will create your migrated Klayvio (Actions) destination, but will not enable it for you.

To enable your new Klaviyo (Actions) destination:

  1. Create a new private key by opening Klaviyo’s UI and clicking Account > Settings > API Keys > Create API Key.
  2. Grant the key full access to Klaviyo’s Accounts, Campaigns, List, Profiles, Segments, and Subscriptions APIs.
  3. Return to Segment and open the destination settings for your migrated Klaviyo destination.
  4. Enter the private key into the “API Key” field.
  5. Enable your migrated Actions destination.
  6. Open the destination settings for your classic Klaviyo destination and disable the destination.

A screenshot of the Settings page for a migrated Klaviyo Actions destination, with a black outline around the API Key field

If your destination is connected to a Journey, Segment will create your migrated Klaviyo (Actions) destination, but will not enable it for you. All existing Journeys will remain connected to the classic Klaviyo destination. You must build new Journeys that reference the new, migrated Klaviyo destination.

Segment will disable all instances of the classic Klaviyo destination after June 30th, 2024.

Getting started

  1. From the Segment web app, click Catalog.
  2. Search for “Klaviyo” in the Catalog, select it, and choose which of your sources to connect the destination to.
  3. Navigate to Account > Settings > API Keys in Klaviyo’s UI and copy your API Key into the Segment Settings UI.

Klaviyo requires the Private API Key to use the List API. You can find this by going to Klaviyo’s UI and clicking Account > Settings > API Keys > Create API Key to generate a Private API Key and copy it into the Segment Settings UI.


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Identify method does. An example call would look like:

  userId: 'user123',
  traits: {
    name: 'Serena Williams',
    gender: 'female'

Client-side Identify

When you call identify on analytics.js, Segment calls Klaviyo’s identify with the traits object. Segment then augments the traits object to have traits.$id be the userId since Klaviyo takes the user ID on the traits object itself.

When you send data to Klaviyo using analytics.js, an initial Page call is required. By default, this is already added in your Segment snippet. In addition to the Page call, you must make an Identify call on each subdomain where you want to track users. Klaviyo sets cookies on the subdomain rather than the top-level domain, making this extra Identify call necessary for tracking.

The following Segment spec’d traits map to Klaviyo special people properties:

Segment Traits Klaviyo Traits
userId $id
email $email
phoneNumber $phone_number
firstName $first_name
lastName $last_name
title $title

Server-side Identify

When you call identify from a mobile or server-side library, Segment creates or updates a Klaviyo person with the traits you provide in the identify.

If your userId is an email, or you provide an email in traits.email, Segment sends it as the $email property to Klaviyo. The following Segment spec’d traits map to Klaviyo special people properties:

Segment Traits Klaviyo Properties
userId $id
email $email
phoneNumber $phone_number
organization $organization
firstName $first_name
lastName $last_name
title $title
city $city
region or state $region
country $country
timezone $timezone
zip $zip

Enforce email as primary identifier

This option is enabled by default to ensure duplicate profiles are not being created inside of Klaviyo. When enabled, Segment will never set the $id field to your userId when you call .identify() or .track(). Instead, Segment will only set $email as the primary identifier with your traits.email or properties.email. Please note that if you have this setting toggled on, you must send email in on your payloads or your events will not go through to Klaviyo.

For the Web Device-mode connection, this option applies only to the .identify() call.

Fallback on Anonymous ID

Server side identify calls require a userId unless you enable sending anonymous data. Enable this option to fallback on anonymousId if userId is not available when sending server side events. Note that this option may result in superfluous user profiles in Klaviyo and is generally not recommended.

Adding users to a list

When you call identify using a server side library, you can optionally send list data in order to add that person to a specific Klaviyo List. Segment will use Klaviyo’s List API.

For this to work, you must add the Private Key inside the Klaviyo settings in Segment. You can generate a private key by clicking Account > Settings > API Keys > Create API Key inside Klaviyo.

You can choose to provide a default listId that Segment can fall back on when adding users to a list. If you’d like to override this default listId, you can also do so by sending it manually using code in integrations.Klaviyo.listId.

Important: You must provide an email in your traits or send email as the userId. Be sure to provide the Private Key in the Klaviyo settings for this to work.

node example:

  userId: '019mr8mf4r',
  traits: {
    name: 'Serena Williams',
    email: 'swilliams@sportstech.com',
    plan: 'Enterprise',
    friends: 42
  integrations: {
    Klaviyo: {
      listId: 'baV129', // will override whatever it is in the UI setting
      confirmOptin: false // optional

Confirm opt in

You can also choose whether you want to force users to confirm the opt in to your list. This flag determines whether someone is sent an email with a confirmation link before they are added to the list. The default settings will be true. However, you can uncheck this option in the Klaviyo settings inside Segment or override it per Identify call using code in the integration.Klaviyo.confirmOptin parameter.

This setting should only be set to false or unchecked if you have already received explicit permission to add a user to the list. Setting Klaviyo.confirmOptin to false without explicit user permission can result in your Klaviyo account being suspended and/or terminated by Klaviyo.


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Track method does. An example call would look like:

  userId: 'user123',
  event: 'Item Added',
  properties: {
    price: 39.95,
    type: 'Dress',
    colour: 'Red',
    shippingMethod: '2-day'

Client-side Track

When you call track on analytics.js, Segment calls Klaviyo’s track with the same parameters.

If you include properties.revenue in a track event, Segment maps it to Klaviyo’s $value event.

When you’re tracking client-side, some Klaviyo events require you send an Identify call before a Track call.

Server-side Track

When you make a Track call from one of Segment’s mobile or server-side libraries, Segment keys the user with the userId and also provides the Klaviyo $email customer_property if your userId is an email, or you provide email as one of your event properties.

Segment also maps the following Segment spec’d properties to Klaviyo’s special people properties:.


The following table shows the out of the box mappings in Segment’s integration between the Segment e-commerce spec and Klaviyo’s spec:

Segment Ecommerce Spec Klaviyo Standard Event
Order Completed Ordered Product

The following table shows the parameter mappings in Segment’s integration between Order Completed properties and and Klaviyo’s standard properties:

Segment Properties Klaviyo Properties
revenue $value
eventId or orderId $event_id

Order completed

Klaviyo supports the Order Completed event that is outlined in Segment’s specs. If you send Segment an Order Completed event, Segment sends Klaviyo a Placed Order event and a Ordered Product event for each item listed in the properties.products array. Segment also attaches customer_properties with the userId set as $id for each of those Klaviyo events.

Though not included in the Segment spec for a Order Completed event, you can optionally include a productUrl and or imageUrl as a property of an item inside the products array. Segment will pass those along to Klaviyo as Product URL and Image URL respectively.

Each auto-generated Ordered Product event requires a unique $event_id, which Segment automatically generates based on a combination of the orderId of the parent Order Completed event, and the productId, id or sku of the product itself (in this order). In other words, you must pass either a productId, id or sku to Segment, or Klaviyo will reject your Ordered Product events.

The following example shows an Order Completed event that uses the node.js library:

  userId: '019mr8mf4r',
  event: 'Order Completed',
  properties: {
    orderId: '50314b8e9bcf000000000000',
    total: 30,
    revenue: 25,
    shipping: 3,
    tax: 2,
    discount: 2.5,
    coupon: 'hasbros',
    currency: 'USD',
    repeat: true,
    products: [
        id: '507f1f77bcf86cd799439011',
        sku: '45790-32',
        name: 'Monopoly: 3rd Edition',
        price: 19,
        quantity: 1,
        category: 'Games',
        productUrl: 'http://www.example.com/path/to/product',
        imageUrl: 'http://www.example.com/path/to/product/image.png',
        id: '505bd76785ebb509fc183733',
        sku: '46493-32',
        name: 'Uno Card Game',
        price: 3,
        quantity: 2,
        category: 'Games'
Send placed order events as order completed

Enable this setting if you’d like to send Order Completed events as is rather than changing the event name to Placed Order on the server side (client side always sends Order Completed). Segment recommends that you keep this setting enabled so that both client- and server-side Klaviyo integrations send the same event for Order Completed. Klaviyo does not treat the event names differently in their backend feature wise. This option was introduced to bridge the existing disparity between Segment client- and server-side integrations regarding how this event name is sent without forcibly breaking the current behavior.


You can send computed traits and audiences generated using Engage to this destination as a user property.

For user-property destinations, Segment sends an Identify call to the destination for each user added and removed. The property name is the snake_cased version of the audience name, with a true/false value to indicate membership. For example, when a user first completes an order in the last 30 days, Engage sends an Identify call with the property order_completed_last_30days: true. When the user no longer satisfies this condition (for example, it’s been more than 30 days since their last order), Engage sets that value to false.

Create user segments in Klaviyo

For the Klaviyo Destination, avoid using a list_id in the Engage Destinations settings.

When you first create an audience, Engage sends an Identify call for every user in that audience. Audience syncs send updates for users whose membership has changed since the last sync. These syncs allow you to create Klaviyo segments from properties Engage sends to Klaviyo as long as the property’s value is true. Memberships update continuously as user profiles fall in and out of the eligibility criteria for the Engage audience. Klaviyo segments aren’t automatically created and need to be configured by your team in order to see those audience segments. You can build Klaviyo segments based on the trait key that corresponds to the audience or computed trait which is being included in those user’s events sent to Klaviyo.

If Segment detects a list_id in the Klaviyo Destination settings, however, it adds users to the Klaviyo list without removing them when they no longer qualify for list membership. As a result, Segment recommends leaving the list_id field empty when you set up the Klaviyo Destination.


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
string. Your API key
Confirm Optin boolean, defaults to TRUE .

This flag determines whether someone is sent an email with a confirmation link before they are added to the list. Defaults to true (checked). This should only be set to false or unchecked if you have already received explicit permission from that person to add them to this list.
Enforce Email as Primary Identifier boolean, defaults to TRUE .

This option is enabled by default to ensure duplicate profiles are not being created inside of Klaviyo. When enabled, we will never set $id field to your userId when you call .identify() or .track(). Instead, we will only set $email as the primary identifier with your traits.email or properties.email.
List ID string. Insert the ID of the default list that you’d like to subscribe users to when you call .identify().
Enter your Private Key string. Note: this is required to use the List API. You can find this by going to Klaviyo’s UI and clicking Account > Settings > API Keys > Create API Key
Fallback on Anonymous ID boolean, defaults to FALSE .

Enable this option to fallback on anonymousId if userId is not available when sending server side events. Note that this option may result in superfluous user profiles in Klaviyo and is generally not recommend. If this option is unchecked, we will only accept server side events that includes the userId.
Send Placed Order Events as Order Completed boolean, defaults to TRUE .

Enable this setting if you’d like to send Order Completed events as is rather than changing the event name to Placed Order on the server side (client side always sends Order Completed). It is recommended that you keep this setting enabled so that both client and server side Klaviyo integration sends the same event for Order Completed. Klaviyo does not treat the event names differently in their backend feature wise. This option was introduced to bridge the existing disparity between our client and server side integration regarding how this event name is sent without forcibly breaking the current behavior.

This page was last modified: 06 Jun 2024

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